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Walking the streets of Cusco Part I

Posted on : 11 April 2021

Walking the streets of Cusco

In Inca times, this was the most important city of the empire, so its architecture and the rocks used in its construction were of great admiration. The Spanish modified this city, using the same Inca stones for the construction of houses, streets, and churches. In Cusco, we can find streets with curious names from the colonial era. In this article you will find some meanings of the names of the streets of Cusco so that you can do a Cusco City walking tour of the city.

  • Siete Mascarones: This is the street located between Almudena and the parish of Santiago. They say that Mr. Mascareñas, who had 6 children, lived on this street. The entire family was dedicated to molding and casting convex bronze pieces with caryatids for the doors of the churches, in addition to other pieces such as nails for street doors and bells.
  • Siete Ventanas: The street that is on the corner of the Alabado slope is a continuation of Ruinas street. In colonial times in Cusco, there was a convent study house on this street, which had 4 large and 3 small windows, these 7 windows were the ones that gave this street its name. Currently, these 7 windows are no longer appreciated but the name has remained.
  • Siete Cuartones: This street has this name because here there were 7 stone stringers in the shape of squares, aligned over the Huatanay River. They were next to the lime and stone bridge. Currently, only one stringer can be seen on the street.
  • Siete Borreguitos: In colonial times, residents used to walk along this street carrying their packages of animals to wash rags and baskets in the Tullumayu River.
  • Siete Diablitos: In colonial times, in this street, there were several couples in love who were tempted by the devil, which gave rise to the name. Currently, this street is quite busy.
  • Siete Angelitos: In contrast to the previous street, there is this street, called 7 Angelitos. In this street, there are 7 figures of little angels, which were painted there by order of Blas de Bobadilla, who owned the house. Currently, they can be appreciated.
  • Siete Culebras: This street has 14 stone-carved snakes, 7 on each side of the street.
  • Calle del Medio: This street connects the main square of Cusco with Plaza Regocijo. This name carries it from the time of the founding of the city.

This tour through the streets is an alternative to City tour Cusco that you can visit in the city. You can take a beautiful tour through the streets of Cusco alone or be accompanied and take interesting photographs of your trip. Remember that in Peru private tour we offer you this tour with a team of professionals and accredited tour guides.
