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The legend of the Chincana of Saqsayhuaman

Posted on : 26 May 2021


The legend of the Chincana of Saqsayhuaman

One of the stories is that some university students, at the beginning of the 20th century (it has been said that they were from the University of Salamanca and US universities, including from the University of San Marcos-Lima).

The university students decided to end the mystery of the chincana of Saqsayhuaman and went into the caves of the great chincana of Saqsayhuaman.

They brought ropes that came from Europe, they tied the ropes to the rocks near the entrance of the chincana so they could return easily. This was a great event in Cusco, so on the day that this expedition was to be carried out, people surrounded the entrance of the chincana.

The university students entered the big chincana amid the applause of the people, who witnessed this act.

The legend of the Chincana of SaqsayhuamanThe days passed and people worried about the university students decided to pull the rope and were in for a big surprise when the rope broke. They tried to scream and enter but the darkness of the Chincana did not allow them to enter to look for them.

Weeks and even more than a month passed when at a mass in the temple of Santo Domingo, the clear blow of a massive object was heard on the walls of the church.

Immediately those attending the mass and the priest of the temple looked for the origin of those noises, and they came to a wall of the temple, they removed the stones and opened the wall and they saw a cavern that was lost in the darkness and a totally thin and human being. On the verge of death. The old man died shortly after having found him, but what would be the surprise when identifying him and seeing that this old man was one of the young university students who months before had entered the large chincana of Saqsayhuaman. At the moment of his death, the young university student gave the Dominican priest a golden ear.

This legend of the Chincana of Saqsayhuaman would confirm the theory that the big chincana connects Saqsayhuaman and the temple of the Sun (Qoricancha).

Currently, the entrances to the large chincana of Saqsayhuaman are closed, so it is not possible to enter.

The rumors and beliefs of Cusco say that whoever enters the Chincana will not return alive and that if he returns, he will go crazy.

As you can see, the mystery of Saqsayhuaman abounds in Cusco. And there have been many who have wanted to solve their doubts but without any success.

You can learn more about the chincana of Saqsayhuaman with Peru private tour. Just write to us and we will respond quickly.

NOTE: The chincana of Saqsayhuaman

Saqsayhuaman is part of the circuit known as 4 Cusco ruins. You can visit it in an organized tour called “Cusco city tour”.
