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Pachacamac a Great City Close to Lima

Posted on : 13 August 2021

Pachacamac a Great City Close to Lima

The Pachacamac sanctuary is located in the Lurin Valley south of Lima. It is known that this territory was occupied by various cultures for many years, however, the building that can be seen today in the archaeological center belongs to the Ychma Culture and Inca Culture.


PachacamacThe bloom of the Pachacamac oracle occurred precisely during the Wari period when it became a religious center that attracted a large number of pilgrims reaching its first Pan-Andean splendor.  Around 1100 AD, the Ychma established their center of power in Pachacamac, with a series of residential and administrative settlements that include pyramids with ramps, among others. In 1470 the Incas had established an important provincial capital in Pachacamac where buildings such as the Temple of the Sun and the Acllawasi, among others, stood out. To the religious importance of Pachacamac was added its operation as one of the main administrative centers of the coast during this period.

This important and monumental building located very close to the center of the capital should definitely be one of your visiting points when you travel to Peru. In addition, the new museum has extraordinary pieces of Inca art that will awake your senses. The museum serves as a prelude to the visit to the Sanctuary, explains its importance and shows the main archaeological finds from the site. Highlights the idol of Pachacamac and the ornate cloth door with Spondylus valves, both from the excavations carried out in the Painted Temple. Make a complete tour in Lima and don’t forget to visit this remarkable place.
