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Maras and Moray Tour

Posted on : 02 March 2021

If you come to Cusco You cannot miss This tour.

Maras and Moray Tour

Briefly explain Moray

The name of Moray is a Quechua word that refers to the corn crop that was called Aymoray, it also refers to the dehydrated potato that is the Moraya.

Moray is made up of ring-shaped platforms that go from large to small, the center of which is getting smaller and smaller. Each circle is an Inca platform that has projecting stones (sarunas) embedded in the wall.

Moray was an Inca agricultural research center (agricultural laboratory) where the Incas plant experiments were carried out, probably to acclimatize new seeds or improve some agricultural production.

The location of each ring and the difference in heights produces that each platform has a different climate (temperature), Moray has 20 types of microclimates. It is believed that once the seeds were acclimatized, they were probably sent to the sacred valley to produce.

The historian Edward Ranney explains that the Incas used the agricultural terraces of Moray as a place to teach and study crops. On the other hand, John Earls claims to have discovered the vertical stones in the Inca terraces, which would simulate different shadows during the equinoxes and solstices.

Due to its position, each one of these platforms of Moray represents approximately one thousand meters of altitude. Therefore, all the platforms together represent twenty or more ecological zones of the Tahuantinsuyo Empire.

The Inca ruins of Moray are located 7 km from Maras and 38 km northwest of Cuzco.

The Maras Moray tour begins in Cusco, the travel agency will pass with its bus to pick you up from your hotel, then we will go to Moray. Which is made up of 4 muyus or circles, which are concentric circular platforms, the deepest is 80 meters of depression, with the lowest platform 36 meters in diameter. Moray can be seen from the entrance viewpoint.

Then we will visit the Salineras de Maras, The salt mines are made up of 5000 small salt ponds that produce 50 to 80 kilos of salt per station. This salt collection process is completely natural. Its cultivation takes approximately 2 months.

Currently, Maras Salt is used in beauty and relaxation treatments, it is also consumed. The salt with the highest mineral quality is Pink Salt.

The maras and moray tour ends
