This is our environmental commitment which with we are very proud.
When we started Peru Prívate Tours in 2017 we wanted to be different, we would not only be a regular company, we also had to be an entity with a lot of environmental responsibility, that is why we implemented this system that we have called “Book a Tour and Plant a Tree” a program through which each of our clients for booking a service also provides a minimum amount to make this possible. By sending your reservation confirmation we let you know how many trees you are going to plant.
We accumulate throughout the year and in the end we gather everything and take the trees to different communities every year, in 2019 we managed to gather more than 1000 trees! An average of 3 trees per day, and this is thanks to each of our clients who often sent us their congratulations for this program and who entrusted their tours, excursions and experiences in our hands.
Upon arriving in the community we delivered all these trees so that they reforest places that they consider to be in danger of landslides, of course we could not leave them without planting some so we started to plant some of them so that they continue this important environmental activity.
They were very happy to finish what we started and we are sure that they will.
None of this would be possible without the unconditional support of each of our clients, from Peru Prívate Tours we want to thank you for this and we are committed to continue working with our environmental responsibility, Thank you very much to each of you for everything.
On the way back to Cusco we could not pass without reviewing the trees that we left in the community of Yuraq Turuyoq the previous year, it was nice to be able to appreciate that people are taking care of those trees and that they are already part of their lifes.
In our social and environmental activities, we want to give special thanks to the entire Peru Private Tours team for their commitment to the company, special thanks to Cesario Pimentel, Yair Puma, Juvenal Pimentel, Yahaida Huayta for having accompanied us on these adventure to visit communities so far away, it was going to take us 2 days but finally it was 4 because the landslides.